Is Italy Worth Visiting?

There is this cool saying that sums up everything I love about Italy. It goes, “Anni, amori e bicchieri di vino, nun se contano mai”. It translates to “Years, lovers and glasses of wine; these things that must not be counted.”.

Italy is a country full of life, positive vibes, romance, and adventure. Once in Italy, you discover that there is a pleasure that can’t quite be explained in simple things. Enjoying a pizza in a corner pizza place with a bottle of red wine. Or even taking random walks along long cobblestone streets. Whether alone or with your partner, there is a certain magical element in the air that just relaxes you.

No one discusses Italy without mentioning its epic wine collection. Over the years, the Italians have made winemaking an art form. They have various districts or regions dedicated to grape harvesting and winemaking. Touring these wineries is one of the key pleasures of an Italian vacation.

Then we have their wonderful cuisine. The Italians take credit for some of the most amazing meal options today. You should take out time to try some of their local meals.

Italy has always been and will always be a top tourist destination worth visiting. You really should not miss an opportunity to check it out.