Is Costa Rica Worth Visiting?

This intriguing nation is one that is deeply in love with it’s natural heritage. Made up mostly of national parks, Costa Rica has an air of relaxation that skyscrapers tend to affect. To understand just how relaxing a day in Costa Rica is, consider a common phrase. “Pura vida” meaning “pure life” is a common response when someone is asked how they are doing. It basically means, the person is all about life and trying to enjoy the little joys of life. That’s a concept anyone can get behind.

Another awesome feature of the country is the rich coffee culture. An average resident is thought to drink about 6 cups is coffee daily. There is something relaxing about the smell of coffee as you start your day. You could try different kind of beans to see if there’s any that just charges your senses. 

Then we have their exotic sea life population. Costa Rican shores are frequently visited by several exotic species such as whales and dolphins. Seeing these creatures move freely in their own environment is a pleasure enough to put a smile on just about any face.